Monday, July 27, 2009

Watching the packs play

Boy, I could have really used a couple more hours of sleep this morning, how about you? I do have to say it is a lot nicer now that we have AC back in my bedroom. A great guy and his family have donated two window units to us since our compressor is not working. We had gone most of the summer without air condition and it was hot. I am grateful to have such a caring group of supporters.

Our boy Buddy is always happy to smile for the camera. In the video you saw Lilly the White Shepherd, Kirby the tan and black Shepherd, and Zeke the smaller agouti pattern Husky/Shepherd. Those three great dogs have now gotten great homes and are starting their path to a happy new life. The brindle mix and the white & brown mix are still both looking for their great new homes. As you can see they are very playful and get along well with other dogs, people and kids too. We would love to hear from you if you are interested in meeting Sasha or Violet so just give us a call or shoot an email.

Well, my last post about how strong the two remaining pups were getting was a bit premature. Kafira the biggest and strongest girl, with an attitude to match, left us last night. She started having some slight difficulty breathing and I knew we were on the same path as the others. Tumaini is the remaining pup and we are sending all our healing energies to her to get her through this. These young pups had such a harsh start to life. I can usually save an animal by combining Eastern and Western medicines but these guys were way behind the eight ball from the start. I do hope the Universe has good things for Tumaini. I would love to see her grow and do her litter mates & momma proud.

We have incurred some extra expenses with the vet during this time and if anyone can spare $5, $10, or $20 it would really help. I would be happy to sign a copy of my book and send it to anyone who donates $30 or more. You can go to our Petfinder site to click on the donation button for our pay pal account. Thank you in advance.

Right now I am watching five awfully cute doggies sleeping peacefully around the room. Coda has recovered nicely from his little squabble with his former pack. His wounds are healing up and he is loving life in the cottage. Nugget is my little buddy and in all his cuteness will get you every time. Chief, my boarder is really just a big love and Dan Jou our parvo survivor is thriving with her new pack. Pooh Bear the Border Collie is enjoying the extra attention from Cassondra. Pooh will be going to live with Cassondra when she finishes high school and simply loves her girl.

I can hear the rumble of thunder outside but none of the dogs care. Living life at the rescue can be stress free for the dogs when you are implementing the Dog Listening Way. I will be posting
videos of a DL (Dog Listener) tip of the Day to help you with your own dogs and I am happy to help you further. All you have to do is call or email me.

1 comment:

  1. Kim you are SO amazing! I am so blessed to have stumbled across your blog via I am excited to check out your book and can't wait to see where you are taken next! If you hadn't thought of it or heard of it, you may want to contact Unity Church of Christianity on Claracona-Ocoee Rd. They have bookstore and many who I think would really get your book!!! Many blessings and thank you for giving me peace during what has appeared to be a difficult situation...until I stumbled upon your site!
    Godfree's Mommy,
