Monday, July 12, 2010

Well Hellllooooo again everyone!

Wow, it seems like I closed my eyes to go to sleep one day and I woke up months later already in the middle of 2010! Can you believe that? If you know me, you know how I burn that candle at both ends but I am excited to get back on the blog track and keep you updated on "What's goin' on with Kim Kapes.

If you haven't seen the new look on the web site, go take a gander. is almost totally polished. We have some things to fix up yet including a new great logo on the home page but the look is really neat and easy to navigate. I would still love your suggestions. Let me know at

So towards the end of last year the animal rescue was involved in helping some seriously neglected and mistreated wolf dogs. Check out the link and the story. Justice and Tiny Tim (our new names for two great woofers) are living happily now at the shelter. Come on by to visit. They would love the hugs. Click to read Big Tampa Rescue.

After Justice and Tiny Tim settled in, the Universe decided to send me one of those divine disasters. For that great news story click to read Kim and the Horse. I am feeling great now and am so thankful to everyone who came to my aid. I made some wonderful new friends, reconnected with old ones, got some much needed assistance at the rescue and realized just how important it is to be very precise in what you are asking the Universe for.

I want to say to a very special friend who has left the physical Universe and transitioned onto her next spiritual journey that I miss you dearly. I know you are close and I thank you for the time I shared with you! Creative Carrie, your the tops!

For those who live by the motto "Life is an adventure", my time in Boca Raton will surely keep me in that club. Back in May I adopted one of our younger dogs to a great family. Coco was going to be a "Boca Girl". Well, so we thought. Coco had other ideas. The first night with the new family became the start of my adventure. Coco got out of the yard and was lost in a very unfamiliar place. After commuting to Boca to search for three days I decided to stay down South. We had been getting reported sightings on her that kept our hopes strong. After another two days of driving, looking catching an hour or so of sleep, driving looking.... I finally spotted her. That took my adventure to the next level. A vacation in the woods of Boca. I literally went into a forested area to track her down and stayed there on my borrowed little beach chair for another five nights. I baited her in an area where I was able to set up a small camp and on day six was honored to bring the little girl back home safely. Melanie and Jorge (the attempted owners) were so instrumental in helping keep me in stock with water and food and any other supplies I might need. Jorge, that toilet paper really was appreciated!! Not only was this an adventure but this was in essence a vision quest for myself. The story is a great one and I will be working to get it into production very shortly.

I guess I have caught you up to date for the most part so from here on out I can go back to posting our regular happenings around the rescue. As you can read it seems that nothing is that simple or that regular with me. It is ALL GOOD THOUGH! I am happy and grateful to call all of you my friends and until next time, Peace and Harmony.